Hepatitis A&B

Hepatitis B:

Hepatitis B is a disease caused by infection of the liver with the hepatitis B virus. It is spread by unprotected sexual intercourse, needle sharing, or rarely by infected blood products.

Hepatitis B can cause permanent liver damage. It is also the main cause of liver cancer, which can be fatal. The vaccine is recommended if you are visiting a country where hepatitis B is common and if you are staying 6 months or longer, or if you are expecting to have sexual relations or blood contact with local residents regardless of your length of stay. The vaccine is given as a series of 2 or 3 doses. A combined vaccine against hepatitis A and B is available. You can get Hepatitis A or B or combined with prescription from our clinic if you have a private plan and our pharmacists administer it for free as a promotion. If you have no drug coverage , talk to the pharmacist and purchase it with a good discount from pharmacy and have it administered by our pharmacists for free.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a disease caused by infection of the liver with the hepatitis A virus. People get it by eating contaminated food or drinking water. One dose of hepatitis A vaccine can provide good short-term protection. A second dose of vaccine should be given later for life-time protection. A combined vaccine against hepatitis A and B is

also available.

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